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Wills & Probate

Probate & Estate Fee Administration

Nicola Waldman
Sarah Conner
Chantae Francis
Chantae Francis
Finley Levell
Finley Levell
Harry Wright
Harry Wright
Katie Flintham
Katie Flintham
Mohan Dhadli
Mohan Dhadli
Nicholas McKeowen
Nicholas McKeown

When someone close to you dies, we know how difficult it can be to handle all their legal and financial affairs while coming to terms with your loss.

It might be the first time you’ve needed to take care of these arrangements, otherwise known as probate, and the process may be unfamiliar. Our highly experienced probate solicitors are approachable and sympathetic. They’ll guide you through the process, so you have one less thing to worry about.

We’ll provide you with the highest level of care, taking the time to understand your situation and how we can help. Our probate solicitors can manage the whole process from start to finish, or we can make the legal arrangements for you to handle it yourself. We can also provide specialist advice on wills, trusts, lasting power of attorney as well as instances of probate dispute, ensuring a satisfactory outcome for everyone involved.

Call our team for confidential advice on how you can apply for probate, what the process involves and what we can do to support you through what is often a distressing time.

Do I need a probate solicitor?

Instructing an experienced probate solicitor to assist you in obtaining a grant of probate or letter of administration to the estate of your loved one ensures that the estate is dealt with properly, with any applicable exemptions and reliefs in respect of inheritance Tax being claimed. This helps to streamline matters preventing unnecessary stress at what can be a long drawn out process and therefore help save money in the long run.

To administer the assets of the deceased you’ll need to establish if a valid will has been made, identify all of their assets and possessions, as well as debts owed, then calculate any inheritance tax due. Next, tax must be paid, debts settled, assets collected, accounts prepared, and the estate must then be correctly distributed so you avoid any personal liabilities.

These matters are often complex and can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re dealing with the loss of a loved one. So, enlisting the help of a qualified probate solicitor can help to ease some of that worry for you.

"Professional and friendly service at a reasonable cost, would recommend this company to my family and friends."

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How can a probate solicitor help me?

We can offer expert legal guidance across a wide range of probate services:

  • Drafting a will: We can help you update your existing will or create a new one. We’ll arrange a meeting for you to explain your circumstances, enabling us to draft a document that is tailored to your needs.
  • Lasting power of attorney: Whether as a temporary measure or as an important part of planning for your long-term future, we can provide you with the peace of mind you need.
  • Trusts: Our wills and probate solicitors can help you protect your assets and manage your tax liabilities, simplifying what can feel like a complicated process.
  • Contesting a will: If you feel a will has been incorrectly drafted, created through coercion or has not been legally signed and witnessed, we may be able to help you.
  • Tax: Our wills and probate lawyers are perfectly placed to inform you about issues surrounding income tax, inheritance tax and capital gains tax.
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Why choose Hodge Jones & Allen as your probate solicitors?

Our tailored offering

The probate services our specialist solicitors offer will be bespoke to your needs. We can help you with the probate process from start to finish. Alternatively, we can just assist you with obtaining the legal authority to deal with probate yourself; this is known as the Grant of Representation and is essentially a court order. We can do as much or as little as you wish.

Specialist probate team

We’re regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and our lawyers are members of the Law Society and the Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners. Should any disputes arise during probate we have a specialist team of dispute resolution solicitors who can assist you.

Rounded advice

We can also help in circumstances where no will can be found. The legal term for this is ‘intestacy’. Intestacy is governed by statutory rules. Our specialist team can tell you about those rules and help in obtaining a Grant of Representation to deal with the estate in question.

Industry recognition

We’ve been recognised as a top-tier firm by The Legal 500 and as one of Chambers and Partners’ top-ranked firms. So, you will receive the best advice and support.

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What is contentious probate?

Contentious probate is a dispute regarding how someone’s estate is distributed after they’ve died. Assets may have been left to be distributed in accordance with their will or the deceased person may not have left a will, in which case the rules of intestacy will apply.

When someone close to you passes away, you’ll want to see their assets fairly distributed. Losing a relative or friend is tough and this can be all the more difficult when conflict arises over how their estate should be shared.

We understand the sensitivities involved when there are disagreements over probate and inheritance claims. Which is why we’ll work with you towards a finding a solution that all parties can agree on.

"We were highly recommended to use Nicola by a friend who is a barrister and we were delighted we did. Nicola is efficient, knowledgeable, personable and provided the exact amount of quality advice and execution we needed." Mark Smith

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Probate and Inheritance disputes can be highly complex

We can help you challenge the terms of a will, if you feel you’ve been unfairly treated. You may find a claim has been brought against you in relation to a probate and inheritance dispute. Whatever your circumstances, we will defend your rights, so you receive everything you’re entitled to.

Our probate solicitors are leaders in this area of law, and we have accreditation from The Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists.

Here are just some of the areas where we help clients contest wills and probate:

  • Lack of provision for beneficiaries or potential beneficiaries (Inheritance Act Claims)
  • Disputes between beneficiaries and the personal representative
  • Removal and/or replacement of the personal representative or trustee
  • Promises given by the deceased
  • Contesting a will
  • We also advise you on disputes between trustees and beneficiaries involving the management of trust funds or we can pursue negligence claims if inaccurate legal/tax advice has been given.
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Inheritance Tax Claims

Under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975, a person can bring a claim against the estate (whether a will has been made or not) if they have not been provided for at all, or not been reasonably provided for.

Provided the deceased was domiciled in England and Wales, the Inheritance Act 1975 allows the following class of people to make a potential claim:

  • Spouse or civil partner of the deceased
  • Claimants who cohabited continuously for at least two years immediately prior to the deceased’s death
  • The deceased’s child/children (child can include an adopted, fostered and step-child); or
  • Claimants treated as the deceased’s child (including adult children)
  • Claimants being ‘maintained’ by the deceased

There are a number of factors a court will take into consideration in balancing the potential needs of the claimant against the needs of the entitled beneficiaries under the will or intestacy rules.

Our specialist probate lawyers regularly successfully bring and defend such claims.


Get in touch with our specialist solicitors today on
0330 822 3451
or request a callback.
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Disputes between the beneficiaries and the personal representative

Personal representatives (executors and administrators) are held to specific legal standards and will owe a ‘fiduciary’ duty of care that covers loyalty, good faith, confidentiality, prudence, and disclosure. Beneficiaries may wish to pursue a cause of action for a personal representative’s action or inaction.

Below are a few causes of action which our dispute resolution solicitors may be able to assist with:

  • Failure to reserve funds in order to pay the deceased’s debts prior to distribution of the estate to the beneficiaries
  • Misusing assets (e.g. using estate funds for the personal representative’s own personal gain)
  • Negligence for failing to act in a manner required to protect the estate (e.g. failure to collect rental income on estate property, failure to pay estate debts within reasonable time, or failure to seek investment advice prior to investing estate funds)
  • Breach of fiduciary duty. This could include but is not limited to self-dealing of estate assets without permission from the court.
  • Conflict of interest, especially if they are also a beneficiary
  • The scope of breach of fiduciary duty is wide and would require further advice from our specialist solicitors.
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Removal and/or replacement of personal representatives or trustees

Personal representative is the term used to collectively refer to executors and administrators. Executors are most often appointed by will. Administrators are often appointed where the deceased did not leave a will.

A trustee can be an individual, company or other corporation (such as a trust corporation) who manages property held in trust for the beneficial interest of another; a beneficiary.

Removal of a personal representative or trustee will depend on the facts of each case. However, primarily this would be based on serious allegations of the breach of fiduciary duty that they owe to the extent that it is no longer feasible for them to remain acting in their role. You may also need to consider a potential replacement personal representative or trustee that you would like to appoint instead.

Usually, this may be agreed between the relevant parties, or provision may be contained in the will or trust deed to deal with removing and appointing new personal representatives or trustees. If an agreement can’t be reached, then you may need to apply to court to have them removed (and replaced).

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Promises made by the deceased

This is known as ‘Proprietary Estoppel’, which relates to ‘broken promises’ made in relation to land and other property and its ownership and inheritance.

The elements that must be present in order to bring a claim in Proprietary Estoppel are:

  • There must have been an assurance (i.e. promise) of sufficient clarity made to the claimant
  • And the claimant must have relied on this
  • Which was to their detriment

These typically arise in farming cases where the deceased promises the claimant they’ll inherit the farm/business. As a result, the claimant works for free/little pay on the farm/business but is then left out of the will, or there is no will.

Contact our specialist probate solicitors for advice on
0330 822 3451
or request a call back.
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Specialist probate solicitors

We are available when you need us

We’ll ensure that the solicitor you deal with is the right match for your situation, helping you find the best possible resolution during a stressful and often sensitive time.

Call our highly experienced wills & probate lawyers on 0330 822 3451 or request a callback. 

London Legal Podcast

Contentious Probate: Inheritance Act (1975 Act) Claims

Chun Wong, Head of our Dispute Resolution team speaks with her colleague, Ruhul Ameen, a Partner in the team about making a claim under the Inheritance Act, also known as the 1975 Act. Chun and Ruhul discuss how you may be able to claim financial provision from an estate if you’ve been been left out of a will or are struggling financially and look at the court’s approach, potential pitfalls and the time limits involved.

Click here to listen to the podcast.

London Legal Podcast Logo

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Frequently asked questions

What is a grant of probate?

A Grant of Probate is a court order which gives the executors authority to deal with property and assets owned by someone who has died (the deceased). The grant gives the executor the legal authority to access the deceased’s bank accounts and sell property and shares owned by the deceased.

If the deceased didn’t leave a will, this court order is called a Grant of Letters of Administration.

How does probate work without a will?

If there is no will, then the rules of intestacy will apply to determine the order of inheritance as follows:

  • Spouse or civil partner
  • Children/grandchildren
  • Parents
  • Brothers and sisters
  • Grandparents
  • Uncles and aunts

Do I still need to apply for probate if i am the deceased's power of attorney?

Yes. Power of attorney and probate are two separate things. If you have been given power of attorney, this enables you to make decisions on behalf of another person while they are still alive. But once that person passes away, the power of attorney ends. The deceased’s will is then the legal document that appoints the executor. It is the executor who has the right to apply for the Grant of Probate and to administer the estate.

Registering a death: When can a death be registered?

Once a doctor has issued a medical certificate giving the cause of death, or the coroner has provided the necessary paperwork.

  • When should the death be registered? Generally, within five days of the death, unless the death is reported to the coroner and there has to be a post mortem or an inquest, which may delay registration.
  • Where must the death be registered? At the register office for births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships for the district where the person died. You can register in a different district and the details will be passed on to the correct district.
  • Who can register the death? Preferably a relative, but it may also be someone who was present at the death, the person who is arranging the funeral or someone from the hospital or nursing home.

What information do I need to register a death?

  • The medical certificate from the doctor

  • Full name (and any previous names) of the deceased
  • The date and place of their death
  • Their occupation and their last address
  • Name, date of birth and occupation of their spouse/civil partner (whether they’re still alive or not)
  • Any information you have relating to their state benefits
  • Not essential – but it may be appropriate to take ID for yourself

What if the death is reported to the coroner?

The coroner may decide that:

  • The cause of death is clear and that a post mortem isn’t needed – the death can then be registered
  • That a post mortem is needed and they will release the body for the funeral once the post mortem has been completed and no more examinations are necessary
  • An inquest is necessary. The death can’t be registered until that has been completed, but the coroner can issue an interim death certificate as proof of death and in some cases, may allow the funeral to take place

Can I object to a post mortem if one is ordered by the coroner?

No, but you should tell them if you have strong religious or other objections.

Can I request an inquest?

No, only a coroner can insist on one, but relatives can attend and ask witnesses questions.

What happens when I register a death?

You will be given:

  • A certificate for burial or cremation (green form) to be given to the funeral director
  • A form for the DWP (BD8); and
  • A death certificate (a copy of the entry made by the registrar in the death register), which costs £4 in England and Wales.

You can buy additional copies of the death certificate at the time and it is usually helpful to have several, for each asset holder.

I don’t agree with the amount of inheritance left to me and think I deserve more. Can I make an application to the court?

Depending on your relationship to the deceased you may be able to make a “maintenance” application under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 (“Act”). Section 1 of the Act lists the persons who may make an application to the Court for maintenance.

These persons vaguely fall into the following categories:

  • Spouse or civil partner of the deceased
  • Claimants who cohabited continuously for at least 2 years immediately prior to the deceased’s death
  • The deceased’s child/ren (child can include an adopted, fostered and step-child); or
  • Claimants treated as the deceased’s child (including adult children)
  • Claimants being “maintained” by the deceased.

Should you consider yourself to have been maintained by the deceased you may wish to speak to one of our team to assess the merits of your claim.

I’m a beneficiary under a trust however I’m unhappy with the trust management and would like my trustees removed.

Thankfully the law has created procedures for the removal and replacement of trustees in order to protect the interests of beneficiaries. We can assist you with the removal of a trustee mechanism. To remove them depends on the type of trust you have and what may be stated within the trust instrument itself.

Some trusts provide express provisions to remove and replace trustees. In cases where it’s not possible to exercise a provision within a trust instrument, a court application may be necessary. Trustees may be removed or replaced due to the powers noted within the trust instrument, such as lack of capacity, retirement or breach of fiduciary duty.


A loved one left me out of their will, can they do this?

The laws of England and Wales allow those gifting their assets by will (Testators) “testamentary freedom” to divulge their estate to whom they wish – there is unfortunately no presumption that certain people (such as children) should automatically be entitled to any inheritance. In the absence of a valid will (please see the section above on contesting a will) the intestacy rules will apply.

The rules with England and Wales, however may not prevent a potential beneficiary from making a claim under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 (“Act”).

Further Reading
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