Dispute Resolution

Contract Dispute Solicitors

Chun Wong
Chun Wong
Ruhul Ameen
Ruhul Ameen
Bahareh Amani
Bahareh Amani
Karolina Kupczyk
Karolina Kupczyk
Reema Chugh
Reema Chugh
Bethany Gerrard
Bethany Gerrard
Brenel Menezes
Brenel Menezes
Senior Associate
Caitlyn Griffiths
Caitlyn Griffiths
Declan Storrar
Declan Storrar
Simran Gupta
Simran Gupta

Contracts govern our everyday lives and almost everyone enters into a contract every day.

Commonly experienced contracts range from an employment contract to purchases made over the internet and in shops.

Where one party doesn’t fulfil their part of the contract, or where one party has misrepresented part of a contract or their situation when entering into a contract, a dispute can arise.

How is a contract formed?

A contract is formed when one party makes an offer and the other party accepts that offer. There also has to be some form of payment (this doesn’t have to be monetary), known as consideration, between the parties.

Some people assume that to have a contract this needs to be a written document for it to be legally binding. This isn’t always the case, a verbal contract can be equally as binding on both parties.

Common contract disputes involve:

  • Consumer disputes over goods and services
  • Business contracts
  • Contracts for the sale/purchase of land
  • Finance contracts

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Several of the examples of the contracts are governed by statutory law. For example:

  • Consumer contracts are governed by the Consumer Rights Act 2015
  • Business contracts such as Shareholders Agreements may be subject to statutes such as the Companies Act 2006, and partnerships by the Partnership Act 1890
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What are the remedies for breach of contract?

Remedies for breach of contract are varied. If the breach is serious enough, the contract may be repudiated, which means that the situation will be viewed as if the contract had never been entered into. There are also situations where a contract can be terminated.

Even if a term of the contract has been breached, the clause breached may not be serious enough to warrant repudiation or termination. Clauses in contracts are often described as either a “Condition”, or a “Warranty”.

Conditions: Put simply, conditions are terms that are central to a contract. A breach of a condition may allow an innocent party to terminate a contract.

Warranties are less crucial than a condition, and a contract may not be terminated if a warranty is breached.

Contract disputes can be difficult to unravel, especially when a party has paid money for something that hasn’t materialised. Whether you’re defending or pursuing a claim for breach of contract, or wanting advice about specific clauses in a contract, our team of expert solicitors are there to assist and advise you.

You may also have a claim if you have entered into a contract as a result of misrepresentations made (either fraudulently or negligently)

The most common remedy in a contractual dispute is usually a payment of damages. Damages will usually be limited to a sum that puts the injured party back in the situation that s/he would have been in, had the breach not occurred. Damages for injury to feelings or stress are rarely awarded.

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Why choose Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors?

Cost Effective Solutions

Our team have a wide range of experience in a variety of sectors and industries. They will work closely with you to make sure you reach the correct outcome.

Tailored Service

We’ll tailor our services to what is most beneficial for for you/your business. Whether you’re defending or pursuing a claim for a breach of contract, or wanting advice about specific clauses in a contract, our team of solicitors are there to assist and advise you.

Highly Experienced

Getting advice at the outset can be incredibly useful in avoiding problems later down the line, saving you the stresses, time and costs of a dispute.

"Brenel has been amazing so kind and caring. Communication absolutely amazing and l really felt like she had my back. A huge thank you"

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Featured Case

Contract Dispute

SUCCESSFUL NEGOTIATION BETWEEN TWO BUSINESSES: We were instructed by a business (“A”) that had entered into a contract with another business (“B”) for designing an app, which included a considerable amount of intellectual property. Eventually, the relationship between the two parties broke down. B stated that A had breached the contract by not carrying out all the work. A negated this and said that B had demanded that A carry out extra works, for no extra charge. The complicating factor was how the intellectual property was dealt with after the contract was terminated. When the case came to us, both parties were deeply entrenched.

The case was settled by negotiation without the need for proceedings.
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Frequently asked questions

What is a contract?

A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties to perform specific act(s).

What classes as a contract dispute?

A contract dispute happens when there is a disagreement about the terms and conditions of the contract.

Do I have to go to court to settle a contract dispute?

You don’t have to go to court to resolve a dispute arising from a contract. You can also opt for mediation, this is when a neutral third party helps you to reach a compromise with the other party. It’s important to note that mediators don’t decide the outcome of a dispute.

You also can opt for other forms of alternative dispute resolution, such as arbitration and adjudication.

Further Reading
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