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Road Traffic Accident Claims

Road traffic accidents can have catastrophic consequences. From physical injuries to enduring mental health issues, worries and ongoing distress, we know that an accident on the road can have long-lasting side effects.

That’s why our personal injury specialists are here to help you. If you’ve been unlucky enough to be involved in one of the hundreds of car accidents which happen every day, you may be entitled to seek compensation for your injuries and financial losses.

Our experienced and knowledgeable team deal with many different types of car injury claims, from broken legs to more serious injuries, which can be life-changing, including spinal injuries, amputation and brain injuries. Accidents can happen to all road users, drivers, passengers, pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists. It can also lead to loss of income and an inability to lead a normal life, which is where the Hodge Jones & Allen team can help. 

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Legal 500 uk-top-tier-firm-202“Hodge Jones & Allen is a well known and popular claimant law firm, with a reputation for taking on complex cases that require excellent legal knowledge and courage.” – Legal 500, 2023


Hodge Jones & Allen_Chambers 2023_pngOur Personal Injury team has been ranked in the Chambers & Partners 2024 legal directory. The team was described as very attentive in every regard and were praised for providing “solid advice tailored to each request.”

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0330 822 3451

    Why choose Hodge Jones & Allen?

    At Hodge Jones & Allen, our personal injury solicitors have over 40 years of experience in helping those who have suffered an injury make a successful claim. Our lawyers will handle every case with care and sympathy, listening to how you have been impacted by your road accident and helping you get the compensation you deserve. 

    We believe in rehabilitation first. We know every case is different, so we ensure your individual needs are always met.

    From there, our team will look to build a successful case that helps with your claim. We gather all the evidence we need to show that the accident was not your fault, as well as representing you in court or negotiations to ensure you get the outcome you deserve. 

    Our cases are funded through a conditional fee agreement which is more commonly known as No Win No Fee. This means that you won’t have to pay anything up front, and there is no financial risk to you if your claim is unsuccessful.


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    How do I make a road traffic accident claim?

    To make a claim, you need to first know the limitations attached. A car accident claim must be brought (submitted to the court) within three years of the date you suffered an injury or three years of you being aware that you have suffered an injury.

    After any car accident where you have suffered an injury, your first port of call should be to get medical assistance for any aches and pains. This could assist with providing access to early rehabilitation and interim compensation payments to cover some immediate losses or expenses incurred.

    After this, you should contact a specialist solicitor as soon as possible to start the road traffic accident claim process. Call our team of experienced solicitors who will provide you with a free no obligation consultation and advise you on the next steps you should take.

    The team will assess your case based on the information provided. We may need to secure additional evidence including an independent medical report of your injuries.

    Once we have this, we will process your claim and support you with getting access to other support services, should they be needed.


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    How much compensation will I get?

    Every injury and every road traffic accident claim is unique, so the amount of compensation you may get will be personal to you based on the circumstances of your injuries. Personal injury compensation comes in two forms: 

    • General damages – Compensation paid in relation to the actual injuries you have suffered and the impact these have had on you and your family. 
    • Special damages – Compensation paid for financial losses you have incurred, including medical bills, loss of income and rehabilitation.

    As your case develops, speak to your solicitor to find out how much compensation you may be able to get in your case.

    To see how much compensation you can claim, please try our personal injury compensation calculator.

    Contact our specialist team on
    0330 822 3451
    or request a call back.
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    Meet The Team
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    Leticia Williams
    Leticia Williams
    Anne Sanders
    Anne Sanders
    Daniel Denton
    Daniel Denton
    Ken Brough
    Ken Brough
    Louise Jukes
    Louise Jukes
    Patrick Allen
    Patrick Allen
    Senior Partner
    Riffat Yaqub
    Riffat Yaqub
    Afiya Begum
    Afiya Begum
    Alex Iossifidis
    Alex Iossifidis
    Image coming soon - Help
    Andrew James
    Senior Associate
    Araba Quartey
    Araba Quartey
    Senior Paralegal
    Arifah Tahir
    Arifah Tahir
    Ashleigh Pearson
    Ashleigh Pearson
    Cigdem Hasirci
    Cigdem Hasirci
    Denise Doherty
    Denise Doherty
    Chartered Legal Executive
    Emma Hall
    Senior Associate
    Jack Foran
    Karen Mann
    Karen Mann
    Senior Associate
    Katie James
    Katie James
    Nina Achal_Website
    Nina Achal
    Sarah Townsend
    Sarah Townsend
    Usheena Patel
    Usheena Patel

    Road Traffic Accident
    Client hit on the leg by a reversing car. She had an operation on her knee and a plate was put in. She will not be able to walk for 3 months.
    nature of injury
    broken knee
    damages awarded
    Road Traffic Accident
    Our client was a pedestrian standing on the pavement when a car mounted the pavement and collided with him. As a result, our client had four broken toes, a crushing injury to his heel and his instep and had to undergo a number of skin graft operations. He continues to suffer from his injuries and requires assistance with many crucial aspects of living.
    nature of injury
    client suffered a degloving injury to his left foot
    damages awarded
    Road Traffic Accident
    Acted for a self-employed gardener who was driving uphill when the Defendant driver sped out of a junction and collided with the Claimant’s left hand side of his vehicle. The Claimant suffered permanent injuries to his right hand and injuries to his right knee and neck. He also began to suffer from migraines.
    nature of injury
    Road Traffic Accident
    damages awarded
    road traffic accidents
    Our client was waiting on the pavement at a bus stop. He had his back to the oncoming traffic when a car mounted the kerb and hit him, knocking him over. He sustained soft tissue injuries to his neck, left shoulder and arm.
    nature of injury
    soft tissue injuries to neck, left shoulder and arm
    damages awarded
    road traffic accidents
    Our client was out jogging with his headphones on along his usual route. He was crossing a side road when a bus turned into that road and into collision with him. Liability was denied in full on the basis the driver alleged that our client suddenly appeared before him giving him no opportunity to avoid the collision. Our client suffered a moderately-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) evidenced by a right occipital skull fracture with bilateral subarachnoid haemorrhage and subdural haematoma, a brief period of immediate loss of consciousness, initially reduced GCS and a period of post-traumatic amnesia lasting up to 24 hours. Multiple rib fractures. A comminuted fracture of the olecranon (left elbow) and an injury to the left ring finger. He suffered a psychological injury.Read more
    nature of injury
    traumatic brain injury
    damages awarded
    road traffic accidents
    Our Client was cycling on a street. He waited at the traffic lights at a junction. Once the lights had turned green in his favour he set off cycling across the junction. As he was doing so, the Defendant failed to give way and attempted to turn right across his path. The Defendant collided with our Client. Our Client struck the Defendant's bonnet and then landed in the road. Our Client sustained soft tissue injuries with cuts and bruising to his right leg, back, hips and buttock. X-rays later confirmed that he had sustained small fractures to the right side of his pelvis. Social and leisure activities, including going out and shopping, were affected. He could not drive for about a week after his accident, as he had issues getting in and out of the car. His ability to carry out domestic activities such as cooking and cleaning were also affected. Liability was admitted for the accident.
    nature of injury
    soft tissue injuries and fractures
    damages awarded
    road traffic accidents
    We represented a client who was involved in a road traffic accident. At the time of the accident the Client was driving his car when another driver failed to stop at a give way junction and caused a collision. My client suffered injuries which included soft tissue injuries to the chest, wall and back. An injury to the right arm, right ankle and forehead. His thoracic spine injury was a self-limiting soft tissue sprain injury and an exacerbation of moderate thoracic spondylosis. This completely healed 12 months after the accident. The Claim Notification Form was submitted on the MOJ Portal. Liability was admitted. Our client was in significant pain for several months after the accident, he required painkillers and experienced sleeping difficulties. He required help with domestic activities from his wife. He had several sessions of physiotherapy input including massage therapy. Independent medical evidence was obtained from a Consultant Trauma, Orthopaedic Surgeon & Spinal Surgeon. Thankfully our client made a good recovery in line with the prognosis.
    nature of injury
    soft tissue injuries to chest, wall and back
    damages awarded
    road traffic accident
    We represented a client who was injured when he was knocked off his push bike. The Defendant driver had stopped and allowed his passenger to open their door into our client’s path. Our client sustained soft tissue injuries to his ankle, wrist and back. He was unable to work for 4 days. The medical expert was of the opinion that he made a complete recovery within 4 months of the accident. Liability was initially denied on the basis that the driver’s dashcam did not show the accident. This was challenged as the dashcam was only forward facing and would not have shown an accident which took place at the side of the vehicle and ultimately the insurers agreed to deal with the claim without making a formal admission of liability.  
    nature of injury
    soft tissue injuries to ankle, wrist and back
    damages awarded
    road traffic accident
    We represented a client who was standing on the pavement at the bus stop with his back to the oncoming traffic when the driver of the bus mounted the kerb and collided with our client causing him injuries. He sustained soft tissue injuries to his neck, left shoulder and left arm and PTSD for which Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) was recommended. Our client was a minor at the time of the accident and his injuries restricted his sporting hobbies for up to 6 months. Liability was admitted for the accident and medical evidence was obtained from a Consultant Orthopaedic expert and a Consultant Psychologist. An MRI scan was recommended and arranged in order for the Consultant Orthopaedic expert to provide his final prognosis on our client’s injuries. Settlement was agreed. This was a global offer from the Defendant’s insurer. Our client turned 18 during the claims process therefore an infant approval hearing was not required.
    nature of injury
    soft tissue injuries to neck, shoulder and arm & PTSD
    damages awarded
    Road Traffic Accidents Claims
    Our client was cycling in a designated cycle lane. He noticed a traffic build up approaching a set of traffic lights. A passenger in a vehicle opened the passenger door into the cycle lane striking the cyclist with the car door and he fell off his bike and landed on a stone bench. As a result of the accident our client suffered a fractured elbow and suffered psychological symptoms. He was later diagnosed with PTSD.
    nature of injury
    fractured elbow and psychological symptoms
    damages awarded
    Road Traffic Accidents Claims
    Motorcyclist hit by defendant driver when performing a u-turn. Our client sustained multiple spinal fractures and a traumatic head injury as well as injuries to the lower limbs. The client sustained an incomplete spinal cord fracture and the evidence of the expert was that they would deteriorate with age and need full-time care. The client was able to return to work but on reduced hours and the likelihood was that they would have to retire early. Client was left with constant fatigue, severe back pain and difficulty walking long distances distances. Client had ongoing depressive reaction to their injuries. Expert evidence was obtained from experts in spinal cord injuries, orthopaedics, neurology, neuropsychology, lower limb injuries, orthotics and transport. Causation of the fatigue and memory impairment was disputed by the Defendant, as was the bleak prognosis regarding neurological deterioration. The matter was listed for a 10 day trial in the High Court.
    nature of injury
    Spinal Fractures, Traumatic Head and Lower Limbs Injuries
    damages awarded
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    Further Reading
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