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help Financial Crime & Regulatory

Financial Crime & Regulatory Solicitors in London

If you’re faced with financial crime charges, our experienced team of financial and regulatory lawyers may be able to help. We’ll represent you every step of the way thanks to our wealth of expertise and skills.

Our London-based solicitors have years of experience, successfully representing clients who face business crime & regulatory allegations. They strive to understand the ins and outs of your case, so you know you’ll have specialist skills and insights behind you.

HJA Chambers firm logo 2024 PNGOur Crime team have been ranked in the Chambers & Partners 2025 legal directory. The team was praised as having an excellent “level of service and responsiveness.”


Legal 500 UK - Top Tier Firm-2025“Hodge Jones & Allen are a very impressive firm with a depth of quality solicitors throughout. The team offers the criminal client a cradle to grave service providing expert, proactive assistance from the investigatory stage and consistently going the extra mile for it’s clients.” – Legal 500, 2025

we can help.

0330 822 3451

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    The work we do

    Our financial crime and regulatory team have a proven track record of successfully representing clients who face allegations in relation to financial crimes. We have worked with both corporate and individual clients on cases of all sizes, making sure people get the representation they need, from the moment of arrest to the end of their case.

    We can help with allegations of:

    • Fraud
    • Corruption
    • Money Laundering
    • Interest Rate Manipulation
    • Insider Dealing
    • Economic Sanction Breaches
    • Account Freezing Orders
    • Tax Investigations

    We have been instructed in some of the most significant investigations by a number of financial authorities, including the Serious Fraud Office (SFO), HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), National Crime Agency (NCA), the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

    Financial issues and allegations can be wide ranging and complex. Allegations can also come from a wide range of authorities with different processes. We have the experience and skills to be able to help you every step of the way, from knowing your rights while under investigation to being effectively represented in court. 


    "A trustworthy and ethical company to work with. My case was handled by Ruth Harris and she delivered excellent job. She was very attentive, and responsive as well as analytical and professional throughout the time."

    We are widely known for our meticulous preparation for any trial, which means we’ve secured success for many clients faced with financial crime allegations.

    In addition, we are well placed to help corporations or individuals on dealing with sensitive issues like internal investigations and professional discipline, ensuring a thorough and impactful process.

    We are committed to ensuring you get the representation you need.

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    Financial crime & regulatory services

    We offer representation for financial crimes every step of the way. We can help from an interview at the police station after arrest, all the way through to any financial crime hearings. We offer a range of services for different financial crimes, with specialist solicitors covering:

    Bribery & corruption

    Bribery and corruption inquiries can have a huge impact on businesses and individuals alike. Even an investigation can be damaging to reputation, let alone charges. Enforcement agencies have made bribery and corruption a priority focus, so find out how we can help if you face allegations.

    Business crime & fraud

    Business crime and fraud can be a confusing issue, with many authorities involved and a wide range of different forms of allegation. Our financial crime lawyers are leaders in the field, with insights and experience to how such cases are investigated, meaning we’re well placed to represent you effectively.

    Cash & asset seizure

    If an enforcement agency believes an individual or business has profited from illegal activity, they can seize, and apply for forfeiture of, assets. This can be an overwhelming and very sudden investigation. Find out how we can help protect your best interest and your assets with fast action.

    CMA cartels & price-fixing

    Find out more about the Enterprise Act 2002 around cartels and the restriction of competition, and discover how our expert financial crime lawyers can help represent you and protect your business interests in the event of allegations and investigation.

    Confiscation & restraint

    The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 allows courts to freeze assets during an investigation. This can have a devastating impact on your business and personal life, so ensure you understand your rights and get the representation you need.

    Corporate internal investigations

    Our experienced lawyers have the skills and know how to help your business carry out internal investigations efficiently and effectively. Whether you’re worried your business has inadvertently become involved in financial criminal matters, or are concerned an employee has breached policy or committed fraud, we can help you get to the root of the problem.

    Criminal & regulatory in healthcare

    Doctors, nurses, dentists and other professionals can face investigations or accusations of wrongdoing for a number of reasons, including complaints from patients or colleagues. These allegations can be hugely varied and damaging to professionals, so find out how our experienced lawyers can help represent you in the face of charges or investigations.

    Dawn raids & searches

    Dawn raids can be an invasive and disturbing process to go through, but it’s vital you and your business act in the correct way to ensure the right solution. Find out how our lawyers can help ensure investigating officers keep your interests in mind and only act within the remit of their search warrant.

    FCA insider dealing & enforcement

    Insider dealing investigations from the FCA are vital to ensure financial market integrity is retained and that those working within the sector are acting legally and appropriately. But with an increasing number of investigations comes a rise in disruption to individuals and businesses. We have the experience of dealing with these wide-reaching investigations to be able to deal with the FCA on your behalf, understanding the issues at play.

    HMRC tax investigation & prosecution

    HMRC tax investigations can be lengthy and wide ranging. We offer advice and representation in connection with every stage of an HMRC investigation, from dealing with civil cases to representation in the crown court for criminal allegations. We have years of experience in advising clients on their dealings with HMRC.


    No matter the reason for investigation, we have experienced lawyers on hand with the skills and know how to help you deal with any allegations. From understanding the actions of an investigating authority to being able to scrutinise their actions and present a case for the defence, we have the knowledge to help you every step of the way.

    Money laundering

    Money laundering allegations are a serious business, with the potential for civil or criminal investigation and prosecution. If you handle large amounts of cash, your business could be investigated, even if innocent. Discover how we can help represent and protect your best interests in this challenging and complex matter.

    Police station representation

    If you have been arrested, or are going to be arrested, it can be a worrying scenario for any individual. If the police want to interview you under caution, you have the right to legal representation. We provide representation at police stations 24/7, so you have access to the legal advice you need, when you need it.

    Professional discipline & regulatory

    As a financial professional, being investigated for any reason can be stressful and intrusive. We look to help make the process as easy as possible, offering empathetic advice on how to deal with investigations and helping you negotiate every stage of proceedings in a way that looks after your career and reputation.

    Reputation management

    Protecting your reputation is important. Whether you have heard about an imminent media report that could impact you, or are under investigation and in the public eye, we have a wealth of experience in helping manage your reputation. From commenting on news articles to dealing with media companies, find out more about how we can help.

    SFO investigation & prosecution

    The Serious Fraud Office specialises in dealing with bribery, fraud and corruption. Investigations into these crimes can be a stressful experience, so it’s vital to seek legal advice to guide you through the process. We can help every step of the way, from advising you on your rights to scrutinising investigation processes to look after your interests.

    Unexplained Wealth Orders

    Unexplained Wealth Orders can be applied for when authorities want to check how someone came to obtain assets valued at over £50,000, if they suspect there may be criminal activities involved. If you are subject to such an order, it’s vital you seek advice and insight from experienced lawyers with the ability to instruct you on the process. Discover how we can help.

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    What is the process for financial crime & regulatory defence?

    If you or your business are facing accusations of financial crime of any kind, we can help. We follow the best possible process for representing and defending you, with steps including:

    Get in touch

    Whether you have had the police arrive at your business to carry out a raid or have been arrested, contact us as soon as possible to find out how we can help. We’ll take the details of your case and work with you to get the best possible solicitor for the job. At this point, we also try to be as transparent as possible, with a quote for the service.

    We’ll fight your corner

    If you are charged, then we will move swiftly to protect your interests. This includes making the strongest possible applications with regard to bail and your liberty. We also get to grips with the evidence as soon as possible and ensure that any and all searches and raids are carried out properly. We can analyse large volumes of complex information quickly to get an outcome for you, and are renowned for using this for applications for dismissal or abuse of process.

    Representing you

    If your case is to be tried, we are industry leaders when it comes to meticulous preparation. We maximise your chance of acquittal by ensuring we have carefully analysed all the evidence, with access to forensic accountants, business experts and leading counsel, giving you the best defence team possible. We understand the intricacies of trials, which helps to form our approach and gives us the best chance of success.


    "Ruth is not only a superb solicitor but also caring and knowledgeable. From the first day she worked on my case, she was fully engaged, and her effort and commitment did not waver. She was able to break down the complex legal nuances and explain them in a simple but effective way."

    To speak to one of our experts call
    0330 822 3451
    or request a call back.
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    What does financial crime representation cost?

    We have always been committed to equal and fair access to justice for all. We believe that your financial situation should not impact the access to representation. 

    Depending on your personal circumstances you may be eligible for assistance in being able to afford legal representation through one of the following routes:

    Legal Aid

    If your case is in the Magistrates’ or Crown Court, you may be entitled to Legal Aid, subject to means testing, which means you could have your lawyer’s fees paid for you if you can’t afford it yourself.

    Fixed Fee

    We may be able to provide advice or representation for a fixed fee, particularly for simple cases with a single court hearing. 


    Hourly Rate

    For more complex cases, you may have to pay the hourly rate of your lawyer for the time they work on your case. This can vary, depending on their experience and area of expertise.

    Whether you are receiving help with your legal fees or paying yourself, you can be assured that we offer value for money and are completely transparent in our charging. This means that you will always be in control of your costs and fees and won’t face any hidden costs. 

    To find out more about the cost of legal representation, visit our costs page for more information.

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    Meat our team of legal experts
    Raj Chada
    Ruth Harris
    Ruth Harris
    Ailsa McNeil
    Ailsa McNeil
    Anna Williams
    Anna Williams
    Bethany Gerrard
    Bethany Gerrard
    Earnestina Rajaratnam
    Earnestina Rajaratnam
    Eliza Bell
    Ella Ferriter
    Emily McNally
    Emily McNally
    Francesca Cociani
    Francesca Cociani
    Senior Associate
    George Steel
    George Steel
    Ghislaine Sandoval
    Ghislaine Sandoval
    Hannah Hendy
    Jessica Murray
    Jessica Murray
    Katie McFadden
    Katie McFadden
    Katy O'Mara
    Katy o’Mara
    Kiran Mehta
    Kiran Mehta
    Lara Ideo
    Marina Afzal-Khan
    Marina Afzal-Khan
    Rebecca Field
    Rebecca Field
    Shelby Keppel
    Shelby Keppel
    Shyan MacTavish_Website
    Shyan MacTavish
    Somaya Yassine_Website
    Somaya Yassine
    Viviane Bablin
    Viviane Bablin

    Frequently asked questions

    The police have arrived at my premises with a search warrant, what should I do?

    Our specialist fraud lawyers have extensive experience dealing with raids, by the police or other investigative authorities. 

    We can swiftly provide assistance at your premises to advise on the search procedures, the scope of any warrant and the legality of the search taking place. We can also advise on the protections available, particularly where the material is subject to conditions of confidentiality and/or Legal Professional Privilege.

    I have been requested to attend the police station but am unsure why. What should I do?

    If you are being interviewed as part of a criminal investigation, we can advise on whether this is as a suspect or a witness. 

    The difference between those two is huge and knowing from the outset how you will be treated by authorities is important in helping you feel at ease and knowing what to expect. We also work to ensure your position is protected.

    I have been arrested and taken to the police station, what should I do?

    Our expert lawyers know that being proactive from the moment a client arrives at the police station is important in achieving the right outcome. 

    We will work to obtain information about the investigation and advise you as to the procedure at the police station to ensure you are treated fairly. 

    We will advise you clearly on the best strategy to adopt during your interview, including the sort of questions you should and shouldn’t answer, and whether it is best to submit a written statement to set out your case. 

    We have an outstanding reputation for high-quality client advice. Our proactive nature ensures the best possible outcome for you is at the heart of all we do.

    Can I discuss my case initially with you, free of charge?

    We fully understand that you need to feel confident in your legal team, so instructing the right team is key. We are happy to discuss your case and concerns as well as setting out how we can best assist you before you pay a penny.

    I have received a Restraint Order, freezing all of my assets, what can I do?

    A Restraint Order can be obtained before a person is charged with a criminal offence. The Restraint Order will prevent you from dealing with assets which are specified in the Order.

    You will be required to serve a statement setting out your income and assets. Early legal advice is vital in such cases. We can advise you on the legality of the Order, as well as the drafting of the statement of assets and any applications to the Court for variation or discharge of the Order. 

    A Restraint Order can have potentially devastating effects on an individual or business. We will act swiftly to ensure that any necessary applications are made to ensure you can get back to normal life as soon as possible.

    I have received a summons to attend Court, what does this mean?

    A summons is the formal issuing of prosecution in the Magistrates’ Court, and it should detail a summary of the alleged facts. It will require you to attend court on a specified date, which should be outlined within. It is important that you seek legal advice as soon as you receive the summons so you can get the advice and preparation required. 

    If you do not attend court when required, the Court could issue a warrant for your arrest. We will advise you as to the charges contained in the summons, as well as walking you through how the case is likely to proceed and representing you in court.

    The police have seized cash from me, what can be done?

    Cash can only be seized in amounts of £1,000 or more and only where the authority has reasonable grounds for suspecting the cash has been obtained through unlawful criminal conduct or is intended for use therein. 

    Once cash has been seized, the prosecution can only retain the cash for 48 hours before they need to apply to the Magistrates’ Court for the continued detention of the cash. The Court can only grant a period of detention for a period of six months at any one time, up to a maximum of two years. 

    You can apply at any time for the return of the cash. In order for the cash to be forfeited, the prosecution has to show, on the balance of probability, that that cash was obtained through unlawful conduct or is intended to be used in unlawful conduct. 

    Early legal advice is important to ensure cash has been seized legally and secure its return as soon as possible.

    Further Reading
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