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Commercial Dispute Resolution

Professional Negligence Against Financial Solicitors

Chun Wong
Chun Wong
Ruhul Ameen
Ruhul Ameen
Karolina Kupczyk
Karolina Kupczyk
Reema Chugh
Reema Chugh
Brenel Menezes
Brenel Menezes
Senior Associate
Declan Storrar
Declan Storrar
Hannah Buchalter
Hannah Buchalter
Maisam Naqvi
Maisam Naqvi

You have the right to expect a reasonable quality of service if you go to a solicitor for help. In most cases, solicitors and their clients enjoy good working relationships and get to a satisfactory result. But when a solicitor makes a mistake, the knock-on effects can be serious and expensive, so you may have a claim for professional negligence.

We have an impressive record of success in claims against solicitors.

Examples of solicitor professional negligence

  • Missing important time limits
  • Under settling a claim
  • Poorly drafted wills resulting in hardship or losses
  • Bad advice resulting in additional and unnecessary costs
  • Failing to advise on a property transaction correctly
  • Failing to properly draft and serve documents
Contact our specialist commercial dispute solicitors on
0330 822 3451
or request a call bck.

Featured Cases

Negligence Against Financial Solicitors

SETTLEMENT NEGOTIATED WITH SOLICITORS WHO MISSED THE DEADLINE: The client instructed solicitors to extend a business lease. They failed to comply with the deadline for service of the counter-notice. As a result, the client entered into a lease which had no protection under the 1954 Act. Although we had to issue proceedings a settlement was negotiated.

over £50,000 plus legal costs
Negligence Against Financial Solicitors

LIABILITY ADMITTED TO CLIENT BY PREVIOUS SOLICITORS: Our client purchased a property with the right to extend the lease assigned to him. The client’s solicitors failed to protect or advance the right to extend the lease and the original notice was deemed withdrawn. We were instructed to start the process again and we wrote a letter of claim to the conveyancing solicitors. Liability was admitted and a sum for compensation (over £10,000) was paid to the client, with relatively minimal costs by us and without the need to even issue proceedings.

Over £10,000
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Further Reading
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