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  • personal-injury
  • rehabilitation

Am I Entitled To Private Treatment During A Personal Injury Claim?

During a personal injury claim clients will often inform me that they have been advised by an NHS doctor that they require treatment or investigations to aid the recovery of…

March 8, 2024
  • personal-injury

Care And Assistance From Family And Friends

A Claimant can claim for care and assistance provided by family or friends following an accident where they are unable to carry out activities of daily living. This help is…

March 1, 2024
  • court
  • personal-injury

Do I Have To Pay A Court Fee If Court Proceedings Are Issued For My Personal Injury Claim?

When you issue civil court proceedings, the court will charge you a fee. The amount of the fee will depend upon the value of your claim. Further fees may also…

February 29, 2024
  • crime
  • representation

Use Of Rap And Drill Music As Evidence In Criminal Courts

Following my attendance at a Youth Justice Legal Centre (YJLC) event titled “Youth Justice Lawyers in London,” I found myself particularly captivated by the discussion surrounding the utilisation of drill…

February 26, 2024
  • disrepair

Housing Disrepair Success Stories – Cracks To The Walls and Damp Issues

We are instructed to deal with a case involving housing disrepair, this included severe cracks to the walls and extensive damp issues. Our client dealt with issues of cracking in…

February 21, 2024
  • extradition

Extradition Request Out For My Arrest – What Can I Do Next?

With the upcoming extradition appeal of Julian Assange on 20th and 21st February 2024, extradition law will once again be at the forefront of mainstream media. However, anyone may be…

February 19, 2024
  • human-rights
  • sexual-abuse

First Conviction For “Cyber-Flashing” Offences

Nicholas Hawkes was convicted on Monday of cyber-flashing after pleading guilty to two counts of “sending a photograph of film of his genitals to cause alarm or distress or humiliation”.…

February 16, 2024

Issuing A Claim Without Letters Of Administration

When can court proceedings be brought on behalf of an estate? This will depend on whether the PR is an executor (appointed by a will) or administrator (certain classes of…

February 16, 2024
  • wills-and-probate

Love and Making Wills

People are often under the impression that the field of Wills & Probate is rather sombre and devoid of love. However in reality that is rarely the case. Clients are…

February 14, 2024

To Catch A Copper: Former Police Officer, Dave Lovell, Dismissed For Gross Misconduct Following “Revenge Porn” Investigation

Channel 4 aired “To Catch a Copper” earlier this week, dealing with the issue of image based sexual-abuse, also known as “revenge pornography”, perpetrated by a police officer employed by…

February 14, 2024
  • disrepair
  • housing-and-property

Can My Landlord Legally Refuse To Repair My Home? Common Defences To Housing Disrepair Claims.

If you are a tenant experiencing disrepair at your home, there may come a point at which you have no other option but to pursue a civil disrepair claim against…

February 13, 2024
  • action-against-the-police

National Review Of Police Officers, Staff And Volunteers

The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) has recently published the results of its mass screening exercise in which 300,000 police officers, staff and volunteers were checked against the Police National…

February 13, 2024
  • civil-liberties
  • human-rights
  • sexual-abuse

Former Cheerleading Coach, Tom Walsh, Convicted Of Abusing Young Girls

Tom Walsh was sentenced at Bolton Crown Court on 5th February, having admitted to a number of sexual offences against three girls, the offences taking place between 2011 and 2020.…

February 12, 2024
  • civil-liberties
  • human-rights
  • sexual-abuse

Reporting Non-Recent Sexual Abuse To The Police

Last week saw the sentencing of Thomas Rodgers, a former choirmaster and music teacher, based in Billericay, Essex. Rodgers sexually abused a number of children during the 1990s, however details…

February 5, 2024

What Is Adverse Possession of Land?

The general rule is that a legal owner has the right to regain possession of their land from unauthorised occupiers. However, adverse possession, sometimes described as “squatters rights”, is a…

February 2, 2024
  • personal-injury
  • road-traffic-accident

E-Scooters – What Do You Know?

The number of e-scooters are on the rise and unfortunately, this means that there has been a huge increase in e-scooter accidents over recent years. Data from the Department of…

January 31, 2024
  • general-crime

Cuckooing Of Addresses Used By Drug Dealers Or Other Criminals, An Explainer

Definition ‘Cuckooing’ is defined as a practice by which people take over an individual’s home for the operation of illegal activity. The most common form of cuckooing is where criminal…

  • criminal-defence
  • general-crime
  • offence

The Law Around Diminished Responsibility In Light Of Valdo Calocane’s Case What Is The Approach Our Judges Take?

The killings of Grace O’Malley-Kumar, Barnaby Webber and Ian Coates have shaken the public. The horror of such violence and the random nature in which the deceased and other victims…

  • mediation-and-arbitration

Is Mediation Compulsory in Civil Cases?

Mediation is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which can be engaged to avoid expensive and protracted litigation and disputes. The parties choose the timing, location and method that…

January 24, 2024
  • civil-liberties
  • human-rights
  • sexual-abuse

Three Support Workers At Grove House Care Home (Sutton) Convicted And Jailed For Abusing Two Residents

Following a four-week trial at Croydon Crown Court in October 2023, Alex Nazareth, Georgios Skordoulis and Ahmed Hassanen were all found guilty of offences against two, extremely vulnerable residents* at…

January 24, 2024