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Hoverboards – bit of fun or just plain dangerous?

It is unlikely to have passed you by that one of the most sought after Christmas presents of 2015 is the hoverboard. Who would have thought, 30 years after Michael…

January 7, 2016

New Personal Savings Allowance on the way

The Government is introducing a Personal Savings Allowance from 6 April 2016. From this date, there will be less income tax to pay on interest from savings. For basic rate…

January 6, 2016

Slips and trips – your rights and what to do if you have an accident

It has recently been unseasonably mild and wet in the UK. With very poor weather comes wet and slippery floors in supermarkets, shopping centres, train stations and other public places.…

January 6, 2016

After celebrations, divorce may follow!

January is notoriously a busy time for divorce lawyers as the Christmas festivities and New Year celebrations come to an end. Spending time with loved ones can sharpen our focus that…

January 5, 2016

Staying Safe at Christmas

Christmas, which is fast approaching, is a time of celebration and fun. Unfortunately, there is an increase in accidents and injuries, during the festive period. Each year, at Christmas time,…

December 23, 2015

Impact on women when a child is removed from their care – urgent analysis required

A new study led by Professor Karen Broadhurst of Lancaster University and funded by the Nuffield Centre has found that 1 in 4 women who has had a child removed…

December 23, 2015

Inheritance Tax and the Life-Support Machine

The new pension rules, introduced in April 2015, allow an individual to draw down (withdraw) on any percentage of their pension. Surprisingly there are no restrictions on drawing down 100%…

December 23, 2015

Protect the Public with Public Liability Insurance

If you have a car accident, the party at fault will most likely have insurance cover and if not an injured party may still be able to recover damages via…

December 21, 2015

If you want justice then check your wallet first

I was pleased to be quoted in an article in The Independent on Sunday recently, highlighting the lack of funding alternatives available as legal aid cuts have left people unable…

December 18, 2015

Dangerous Dogs: The Law

The Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 (‘The Act’) in its current form has implications for all dog owners. Though the majority of offences brought before the Courts still relate to the…

December 18, 2015

Are You Aware of Your Rights as a Tenant?

Recent studies have shown that not all tenants are aware of the legal issues they face when renting. For example, the Legal Education Foundation published a report, on 9th December,…

December 17, 2015

Top Ten Tips for Landlords

Despite global recession, economic crisis and the property crash, bricks and mortar is still the preferred method of long term investment for most, especially as a contingent pension plan. And…

December 10, 2015

Human Rights Day

On Human Rights Day 2015, Joanna Fleck reflects on a year that has seen the Human Rights Act under threat and looks back at how Hodge Jones & Allen have…

December 10, 2015

NHS Investigatory Failures Highlighted

It has been a bad week in the press for the NHS. Firstly the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman concluded that families and patients are being left without answers by...

December 10, 2015

A Toxic Tax

A Fabian Society report has presented findings from a series of focus groups across the country, which they say demonstrates that inheritance tax (IHT) is regarded as unfair – across…

December 10, 2015

It’s Almost Criminal!

Under Part 1 of the new Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, injunctions can be obtained for, you guessed it…anti-social behaviour! This consequently replaced the old system of pursuing…

December 9, 2015

Fitness to Practice of Dentists – Some Statistics

The dental profession is regulated by the General Dental Council (GDC) who have reported an increasing number of complaints against dental practitioners in recent years. The complaints that they are…

December 8, 2015

Orange the World

Violence against women is a global concern encompassing not only physical violence but also sexual violence, mental abuse, forced labour concerns, sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation etc. The impact of…

December 3, 2015

Investigatory Powers Bill

Home Secretary Theresa May recently presented the Government’s draft Investigatory Powers Bill with the aim of consolidating existing legislation concerning surveillance, and in particular the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act…

December 3, 2015

Chasing targets – care cannot be delivered by numbers

The push to meet staffing levels is proving costly and will do little to drive up long term quality of care for patients The NHS is currently facing a serious,…

December 3, 2015