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Military Hearing Loss Claims and Compensation

Hearing damage is a prevalent yet often overlooked affliction among veterans and serving military personnel, a silent battle wound stemming from the harsh auditory environment of military service. The sudden, piercing sound of gunfire and explosions, or the relentless drone of machinery and aircraft, places our servicemen and women at significant risk of hearing impairment.

An estimated 300,000 former military personnel suffer from conditions such as hearing loss and tinnitus – a persistent ringing, buzzing, or humming in the ears that can disrupt daily life. If you suffer from these symptoms, you should consider making a military hearing loss claim.

Many hesitate to seek compensation for hearing loss due to military service, bound by a sense of duty or the belief that such risks are inherent to service. However, it’s vital to understand that enduring in silence is not a measure of loyalty or commitment. Every service member has the right to support and compensation for injuries sustained in the line of duty, including auditory damage.

It’s essential to distinguish between pursuing a civil compensation claim and seeking payment through the War Pension/Armed Forces Compensation Scheme. You, as a claimant, have the right to pursue both options. Typically, a civil claim for compensation yields a significantly higher financial award.