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GloWeek 2022 31st October – 4th November

The Hodge Jones & Allen Personal Injury Team is again supporting GloWeek, a road safety awareness week organised by the Child Brain Injury Trust, taking place from 31st October – 4th November 2022.

The event, which takes places after the clock goes back, aims to raise awareness as we go into the winter months to ensure children can ‘Be Seen, Not Hurt’.

This year for GloWeek 2022, The Child Brain Injury Trust are asking you to make a pledge in support of their campaign by having a conversation with a child or young person about the importance of road safety and being bright when out and about (especially in the dark).

The event encourages everybody to get involved by submitting a photo of themselves, or their colleagues, in their brightest outfits.

I was happy to attend the fabulous AGloha event at Proud City in London with some of the members of the Personal Injury team at Hodge Jones & Allen.

AGloha event 2022

The Child Brain Injury Trust provides helpful information across their full website and has GloWeek e-learning safety sessions available for anybody to watch.

The Child Brain Injury Trust and The Work They Do

The Child Brain Injury Trust was established in 1991 and is a leading voluntary sector organisation providing emotional and practical support, information and learning opportunities for families and professionals affected by childhood acquired brain injury that they would otherwise not receive.

An Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) is any injury to the brain, which has occurred following birth. It includes Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs), such as those caused by trauma for example from a road traffic collision, fall or assault, and non-Traumatic Brain Injuries related to other medical conditions including meningitis, stroke, brain tumour and other causes.

The Charity’s vision is a future where all children and young people with acquired brain injury are diagnosed promptly and receive the support they need to ensure they reach their full potential and have the best quality of life as possible.

Further information about their services and resources can be found here.

How Hodge Jones & Allen Can Help

There are many possible causes of brain injuries in children such as a difficult birth, a fall, a blow to the head, a stroke or a brain infection. In these circumstances, you or a loved one may want to pursue a claim.

If you or a loved one have suffered from a brain injury, our expert team of Personal Injury Solicitors are here to help you with everything from access to medical care, guiding you through the rehabilitation process and assisting you in claiming the maximum compensation that you are entitled to. If you would like to speak to someone within our team, please call 0330 822 3451 or request a call back online. 

Further Reading