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Maldon Tradesman David Lawrence Wins Six-Figure Asbestos Payout From Former Employers

David Lawrence, of Maldon, Essex received six figures after working for John Sadd & Sons Limited in the 1960s, where he was made to cut asbestos sheeting without protective equipment for over a year.

David Lawrence, a 79-year-old man from Maldon, Essex, has been awarded a six-figure compensation sum after he contracted mesothelioma from being exposed to deadly asbestos fibres while working for builders’ merchants, John Sadd & Sons Limited for twelve to eighteen months from 1961. The company has been defunct for many years but compensation was still able to be recovered.

The mesothelioma diagnosis has caused David to suffer significant health repercussions, meaning his life will be cut short, and he will be unable to enjoy the retirement that he worked so hard to receive. Before the diagnosis, David was active, loved painting by numbers, played on his Xbox and regularly visited family members. However, due to his now ill health, he has had to forego his hobbies that once brought him great joy and he struggles to even leave his home now.

Whilst at John Sadd & Sons, David worked in the Cutting Area, an area used to prepare asbestos sheeting which had been ordered by builders. He was employed to cut the sheeting into strips and did so throughout his employment. The sheeting was typically fitted under guttering on the outside of new houses the builders built in the 1960s. While carrying out this task, David was not given any protective equipment from his employers to prevent him from inhaling deadly asbestos dust.

David was represented by Hodge Jones & Allen and the case was settled within four months of David seeking legal advice from them, including the issuing of Court proceedings. David has also been receiving support from the London Asbestos Support Awareness Group (LASAG), a charity that works tirelessly to help asbestos victims.

David Lawrence on his successful compensation claim said: “I am very grateful for the compensation I have received. It is unfair that people who worked hard like me were put in such danger by our employers. I urge anyone who has worked in an environment like mine, to get checked and to seek both medical and legal help – even if the company is out of business. It is wrong that our former employers knowingly put us all in danger and so we must stand up for what’s right and ensure that those who need it, get the support and the compensation they deserve.”

Lorna Webster, Partner and asbestos disease specialist at Hodge Jones & Allen representing the client, said: “While the compensation is welcomed, the damage has already been done to David’s health and no amount of compensation will give him back his previously good health. We work with clients every day who, unfortunately, are the victims of their previous employers’ greed and who just couldn’t be bothered to properly look after their workers when they should have done so. David’s life has been cut short and a retirement he worked so hard for has been robbed from him by his former employers. So many companies have already delivered a death sentence to our hardest working members of society and people will continue to be diagnosed with mesothelioma for years to come. We must ensure the world understands just what people like David are being put through and ensure justice is achieved for everyone who is affected by mesothelioma and other asbestos related diseases.”

Further Reading