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Had an accident? Think better not how much?: The importance of an Immediate Needs Assessment (INA)

How to get better faster: rehabilitation

If you have been injured in an accident you may be able to make a claim for compensation. However, the first thing you should be asking your specialist personal injury solicitor to do is to ask the compensator to engage in the Rehabilitation Code 2015 and organise an Immediate Needs Assessment (INA).

Early Intervention

In the immediate aftermath of an accident, you won’t be focusing on a claim for compensation but a way to get better as soon as possible so that you can get back to life as it was before the accident and injury. The sooner you instruct a lawyer, the sooner they will be able to ask the compensator to engage in the Rehabilitation Code 2015 and organise an Immediate Needs Assessment (INA).

Early Rehabilitation and the Immediate Needs Assessment INA

It is likely that following your accident you will have been admitted to A & E. The specialist there will look after and get you well enough to be either discharged or moved to a more specialist ward or hospital with guidance about your rehabilitation.

Your personal injury solicitor can assist with seeking funding for this by first obtaining an agreement from the insurers (of the person at fault for your accident) to fund an Initial Needs Assessment (INA).

Every injury is different as every personal injury is different so the treatment and recommendations will be tailored to you and your symptoms.

This INA is usually carried out by an experienced Occupational Therapist who has experience in dealing with rehabilitation.

Your solicitor will draft a letter of instruction asking them to look at all aspects of your recovery to include potential physiotherapy, psychological therapy (CBT) assistance with aids around the home, assistance with driving, assistance with things like cleaning and cooking and personal care, help (when the time is right) in getting you back to study or work.

It is essential that the INA is carried out by the most appropriately qualified person and ideally by the person who takes over the management of your rehabilitation. This person is called a Case Manager.

The Case Manager will coordinate the services and rehabilitation agreed (and paid for) by the insurance company of the person who caused your accident) which may compliment and/ or supplement those offered by the NHS. The Case Manager will also and liaise with NHS consultants and therapists to make the best of the services offered.

Early rehabilitation puts the client and their recovery first. This puts the client first and at the heart of the process.

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If you have suffered a life-changing injury as a result of an accident and you are thinking about pursuing a personal injury claim speak to our dedicated serious injury specialist solicitors on 0330 822 3451 request a call back online.