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We’re All Going On A (safe) Summer Holiday

We have officially entered the last summer holiday month of the year, and many of us are getting ready for our long awaited summer getaways. It’s an exciting time of the year for all of us to have some well-deserved down time with family and friends and to soak up the last of the summer rays. This is especially so this year, as for some of us it is our first time travelling abroad since the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s finally here!

Amidst all of the excitement however, it is always very important to keep yourself and your family and friends safe when travelling abroad to ensure that nobody gets seriously injured. The last thing you want on holiday is a trip up to the Accident and Emergency department!

Holiday Packing Checklist: Safety Tips and Tricks

In light of this, here are some friendly top tips and tricks to pack with you in your suitcase to keep yourself safe on your summer holidays this August.

Tip 1: Avoid Activity Accidents

For those adrenaline junkies out there who enjoy fun and reckless activities on holiday, it is always imperative to make sure that you are wearing the correct safety equipment to keep you safe from injury:

  • Kayaking: When kayaking on those dangerous waves, make sure you fit your helmet on securely and wear a life jacket that fits you correctly. If you are a beginner, only get on the water if you are completely comfortable and have someone in the kayak to help guide you to manoeuvre the kayak safely and effectively
  • Cycling: When cycling abroad, always ensure that you wear a helmet when riding your bike and be extra aware that drivers may drive on the opposite side of the road to in the UK
  • Zip Wire: When flying through the air, branches may be in the way of the zip line or can fall from above you and hit your head. Therefore, make sure you wear a helmet and that is securely fastened. Always stay focused on what is in front of you, wear comfortable clothing, listen and follow all safety tips from the person supervising you, and make sure with the person supervising you that the harnesses have been safely inspected

Tip 2: Driving Abroad

Just as you need to be aware on the roads in the UK, you especially need to be aware when driving on roads that you are not familiar with abroad:

  • Driving on the Correct Side of the Road: Make sure you are fully aware of which side drivers drive on the roads in the country you are visiting. The last thing you want is to drive on the wrong side of the road and cause an accident
  • Rules of the Road: Before going on your travels, it is strongly recommended that you research the Highway Code for that country to ensure that you are obeying the rules of the road. If you don’t feel confident enough, don’t drive!

Tip 3: Keeping Safe with Bbqs

Bbqs are a summer favourite, especially when you are abroad and want to cook for lots of family and friends. However, bbqs can be a huge fire hazard and it is important to be aware of the potential risks of injury:

  • Keep Children Safe: Keep the bbq and any bbq equipment out of reach of children, as it is extremely hot and they are at risk of burning themselves
  • Use Long Tools: Make sure you use long tools to bbq your food so that there is reduced risk of burning your hands and catching your clothes on fire
  • Keep Bbq on Flat Surface: Keep the bbq on a flat surface such as concrete, so there is no risk of it tipping over. Make sure you don’t put the bbq on any artificial grass or decking as this is a fire hazard
  • Keep an Eye on the Bbq: Don’t ever leave the bbq unattended and always keep your eye on it

Tip 4: Keeping Safe in the Pool

After a long hot day in the sun, the best way to cool off is to have a nice, relaxing dip in the pool. However, amongst all of the excitement, you need to be extra aware of the potential hazards that can be presented around a swimming pool:

  • Slipping Hazards: Make sure that you don’t run around the swimming pool in case there is a slipping hazard such as water on the outside of the pool. Otherwise, you will be at risk of falling in the pool and bumping your head
  • Diving in the Pool: Make sure that the water is deep enough for you to dive in. If the water is too shallow, you can hit your head at the bottom of the pool which can cause serious head injuries. Always be on the lookout for a sign for the depth of the pool, and if there is a sign telling you not to dive…. Don’t dive!

It is important to have fun on holiday, but make sure that you do it safely. Keep looking out for one another and here’s to a safe, sunny last month of summer with friends and family!

If you have been involved in an accident abroad, our expert Personal Injury lawyers are here to help. Call us now on 0330 822 3451 or request a call back. 

Further Reading