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Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme 

We were instructed to seek compensation by a living mesothelioma Client.

Our Client was employed between 1975/76 and 1977/78 by a company which is no longer trading.  He was involved in the bonding of asbestos sheets, meaning he came into regular contact with the raw and exposed edges of the sheeting. This exposed him to asbestos fibres on a regular basis.  He did this work for less than a year.

As our Client’s former employer is no longer trading, investigations were carried out to see if the relevant employers’ liability insurers could be identified.  Those insurers could not be traced and so we made a claim on our Client’s behalf to the Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme (DMPS).

The Scheme provides compensation to mesothelioma sufferers who were negligently exposed to asbestos in the course of their employment but are unable to pursue their former employers because they are no longer trading and the relevant employers’ liability insurers cannot be identified.

Having provided all the relevant evidence and documentation to the Scheme Administrators, our Client’s application was successful.  A six-figure sum was paid to our Client.